Saved at Nob Hill Manor by Roger A. Mars

"A page turner. Great writing. Characters that jump off the page and bristle with vitality."

Ken Sheetz, President
Overactive Imagination Pictures
Saved at Nob Hill Manor
Weird cult members, ambitious university faculty, and wacky nursing home residents —throw them all together and you get hilarity, sex, and mayhem. And for the Hensley family, it could just be a deadly combination.
Who really is saved at Nob Hill Manor? Is it Eddy, the 80-year-old resident who wears a medallion around his neck to celebrate his sexual prowess? Is it Nancy, the beautiful young nursing assistant who has pledged her allegiance to a charismatic cult leader? Or is it Nick, the tough-talking, womanizing drifter who deals in his own way with the chaos?

Gunnar's Prop Shop
Roger has completed a draft of the screenplay version of Gunnar's Prop Shop which went to Current Top Ten status on
The novel is planned for publication in 2007.


Purchase Roger's current novel, Saved at Nob Hill Manor, online from the following retailers:

Copyright © Roger A. Mars 2006